
unpeeel .ᐟ

hon. she. seasian.
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please do not repost and reupload without permission.
do not claim it as your own. do not sell or reproduce my work in any way. my creations are not for commercial use.open worldwide for commission. message directly and freely.
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unpeeel .ᐟ

art style best done in full body


SOLO PHOTObust / half body - 10 usd
full body - 14 usd


TWO PERSONSbust / half body - 17 usd
full body - 20 usd


THREE PERSONSbust / half body - 24 usd
full body - 28 usd


(varies depending on the number of person)
bust / half body - 30 usd
full body - 35 usd

( prices are negotiable depending on the complexity of the art )

( prices are negotiable depending on the complexity of the art )

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commission art comes with a solid background only. prices vary depending on the complexity of the art and there will be an additional payment for customization and props (may amount up to 50 php or above depending on the complexity)please be specific with the details. drafts will be sent to the client and only three (3) minor revisions can be changed. anything more than that will incur additional charges.five to ten days turnaround time. additional fee is charged for rushed output. clients will be informed when unforeseen circumstances arise that may cause delays in finishing the work.will do: real life people, fan arts and pet/animals
will not do: gores, furries, mecha, nsfw
mode of payment is through gcash / bank transferhalf of the payment must be sent before the artist starts the commission. no refund for clients who wish to not proceed with the commission anymore.all rights for the final commissioned output is yours but credit on the artist when posted online would be appreciated (@unpeeel on twitter)


the aforementioned terms are all subject to change. if you wish to proceed, message freely on twitter or mail at [email protected]


✰ send the reference picture/s via direct message (dm).✰ copy text, fill up the following details and send via dm:hhhhh 1) canva ratio:
hhhhhhhhhhhh(e.g 1:1, 4:3, 3:4, wallpaper size, etc.)
hhhhh 2) solid bg color:
hhhhhhhhhhhh(hex color code is greatly appreciated)
hhhhh 3) specific detail/s you want to add:hhhhh 4) gmail address:✰ initial/full payment through gcash / paypal / bank transfer :

hhhhh 1) PAYPAL: @hnyma

hhhhh 2) GCASH

hhhhh 3) BDO BANK

click qr codes and download

✰ send a screenshot of your payment for transaction confirmation✰ other matters will be discussed along the commission processhhhhh